States, states, states

I love state machines.

What more needs to be said?  I have found that I enjoy working the logic of the whole thing into the game and it really gives a nice feel to everything when you get your enemies moving quite dynamically.  Yes, there is still some patterns in play, but overall it does make things start to feel more real.

However, things have taken a bit of a slow-down at the moment with a RL injury keeping me away from the keyboard for over a week.  Hopefully things are starting to look up and I can look to ramp things up over the coming days.  I already have a list of tweaks and changes that will be making their way into the latest version of the game:
- new health system
- revised target graphic
- better HUD
- enemy alerted and adjustments to patrolling state

All in all, things are still progressing and I have a decent amount of stuff still to get through over the next several weeks.

Get Ix and the Dark Mage

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